Survey customizations on the Atlas Platform

Survey customizations on the Atlas Platform

You can customize the survey in many ways. Some of the options you can modify in the Advanced Editor as part of the free package. You can request our assistance for advanced customization or if you need additional features. You can learn more about the Atlas Platform...
Atlas Platform Map Customisation

Atlas Platform Map Customisation

The Atlas Platform allows you to change the content of a map and the behaviour of the platform. There are many options available, some of these can be modified in the Advanced Editor, some of them requires setting up a custom map that you need to request from us. You...
How to use the Reinventing Organizations Map

How to use the Reinventing Organizations Map

The Reinventing Organizations Map has been created to show that businesses can be run in different ways and to inspire them to move toward creating more human workplaces that are beneficial for both owners and employees. Our goal is to support companies to become more...
Introduction to the Atlas Platform

Introduction to the Atlas Platform

The Atlas Platform is a tool to help people work with the Reinventing Organizations Map. You can learn more about working with the Reinventing Organizations Map and the Atlas Platform in the following articles  How to use the Reinventing Organizations Map  Atlas...