The Atlas Platform allows you to change the content of a map and the behaviour of the platform. There are many options available, some of these can be modified in the Advanced Editor, some of them requires setting up a custom map that you need to request from us.

The Advanced Editor

Due to time and budget reasons the map editor is currently a prototype.

All parameters that define a map and control the behaviour of the platform are contained in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) files. These are humanly readable properties and values.

The advanced editor is a JSON editor where you can add, modify and remove some of these properties.

Example of a custom map with 5 developmental lines:

Custom map with 5 developmental lines

Custom map in the advanced editor

The structure of JSON

It is very similar to how your files are stored in directories on your computer. Each entry is either data or it opens a new level. The following describes the developmental lines and other parameters:

devLines: Container for developmental lines

XX…XX: 20 characters long random alfanumeric unique identifier

name: Name of the developmental line

FontSize: Font size multiplier (optional)

X: Horizontal position (optional)

Y: Vertical position (optional)

textAlign: Alignment of text – “right”, “left”, “center” (optional)

quadrant: In which quandrant does the developmental line displayed. By default the platform shows the questions in clockwise order:
– Quandrant 0 – Right upper quadrant
– Quandrant 1 – Right lower quadrant
– Quandrant 2 – Left lower quadrant
– Quandrant 3 – Left upper quadrant

quadrantOrder: Defines the order of the developmental lines within a specific quadrant.

levels: Container for the consciousness levels

“red”, “amber”, “orange”, “green”, “teal” – consciousness levels

name: Definition of the statement for the consciousness level for that particulare developmental line.

FontSize: Font size multiplier

X: Horizontal position

Y: Vertical position

textAlign: Alignment of text – “right”, “left”, “center” (optional)

model: Defines the type of map. e.g. ROM – Reinventing Organizations Map

language: Defines the language of the map

valueDefs: Defines the results shown on the map. It is recommended that you do not touch this portion of the JSON. Please use the Display Properties outside of the Advanced Editor to control how the result is visualized on the map.

One developmental line in the right upper quadrant


  "mapData": {
    "devLines": {
      "wHK34oYC2ed0eeThSgL4": {
        "name": "EXAMPLE 1\nLINE",
        "levels": {
          "red": {
            "name": "Example 1 - red",
            "X": 0,
            "Y": 0,
            "FontSize": 1
          "amber": {
            "name": "Example 1 - amber",
            "X": 0,
            "Y": 0,
            "FontSize": 1
          "orange": {
            "name": "Example 1 - orange",
            "X": 0,
            "Y": 0,
            "FontSize": 1
          "green": {
            "name": "Example 1 - green",
            "X": 0,
            "Y": 0,
            "FontSize": 1
          "green": {
"name": "Example 1 - teal",
"X": 0,
"Y": 0,
"FontSize": 1
}, "quadrant": 0, "quadrantOrder": 0 }
}, "model": "ROM", "language": "en", "valueDefs": [] } }

Formatting the content

You can format the text in the following ways:

  • New line: \n
  • Bold text: ”bold”

In the example below you can see a multi-line text with one portion bold.


  "mapData": {
    "devLines": {
      "wHK34oYC2ed0eeThSgL4": {
        "name": "EXAMPLE 1\nLINE",
        "levels": {
          "red": {
            "name": "Example 1 - red\nmulti line\n''bold text''",
            "X": 0,
            "Y": 0,
            "FontSize": 1
          "amber": {},
          "orange": {},
          "green": {},
          "teal": {}
        "quadrant": 0,
        "quadrantOrder": 0
    "model": "ROM",
    "language": "en", 
    "valueDefs": []

Positioning the text

The center of the text is positioned oon the line leading out from the center to the circle that contains the developmental line’s name. You can adjust the position horizontally (X) or vertically (Y):

  • X: positive whole number pushes the text right
  • X: negative whole number pushes the text left
  • Y: positive whole number pushes the text lower
  • Y: negative whole number pushes the text upper

The example shows the text on the red level pushed right by 20 units.

One developmental line in the right upper quadrant

Custom map in the advanced editor


  "mapData": {
    "devLines": {
      "wHK34oYC2ed0eeThSgL4": {
        "name": "EXAMPLE 1\nLINE",
        "levels": {
          "red": {
            "name": "Example 1 - red",
            "X": 20,
            "Y": 0,
            "FontSize": 1
          "amber": {},
          "orange": {},
          "green": {},
          "teal": {}
        "quadrant": 0,
        "quadrantOrder": 0
    "model": "ROM",
    "language": "en", 
    "valueDefs": []

Changing font size

You can adjust the size of the font with a multiplier to make the text fit into a smaller place or make it larger to make the text stand out.

The below example shows the text on the red level in double size.


  "mapData": {
    "devLines": {
      "wHK34oYC2ed0eeThSgL4": {
        "name": "EXAMPLE 1\nLINE",
        "levels": {
          "red": {
            "name": "Example 1 - red",
            "X": 0,
            "Y": 0,
            "FontSize": 2
          "amber": {},
          "orange": {},
          "green": {},
          "teal": {}
        "quadrant": 0,
        "quadrantOrder": 0
    "model": "ROM",
    "language": "en", 
    "valueDefs": []

Text alignment

By default all text are center aligned, however this can adjust if needed: “left”, “right”, “center”

Default center aligned text

Left aligned text


  "mapData": {
    "devLines": {
      "wHK34oYC2ed0eeThSgL4": {
        "name": "EXAMPLE 1\nLINE",
        "levels": {
          "red": {
            "name": "Example 1 - red",
            "X": 0,
            "Y": 0,
            "textAlign": "left"
          "amber": {},
          "orange": {},
          "green": {},
          "teal": {}
        "quadrant": 0,
        "quadrantOrder": 0
    "model": "ROM",
    "language": "en", 
    "valueDefs": []

Placement of the development lines

There are four quadrants on the map:

  • Quandrant 0 – Right upper quadrant
  • Quandrant 1 – Right lower quadrant
  • Quandrant 2 – Left lower quadrant
  • Quandrant 3 – Left upper quadrant

Within the quadrant the “quadrantOrder” field specifies the order.

The developmental lines are placed with equal spaces in between them within a quadrant

Below you can see examples of developmetnal line placements:


  "mapData": {
    "devLines": {
      "wHK34oYC2ed0eeThSgL4": {
        "name": "EXAMPLE 1\nLINE",
        "levels": {
          "red": {},
          "amber": {},
          "orange": {},
          "green": {},
          "teal": {}
        "quadrant": 1,
        "quadrantOrder": 0
    "model": "ROM",
    "language": "en", 
    "valueDefs": []


  "mapData": {
    "devLines": {
      "wHK34oYC2ed0eeThSgL4": {
        "name": "EXAMPLE 1\nLINE",
        "levels": {
          "red": {},
          "amber": {},
          "orange": {},
          "green": {},
          "teal": {}
        "quadrant": 0,
        "quadrantOrder": 0
      "YmENKXQXdqdnOvkW9oYX": {
        "name": "EXAMPLE 2\nLINE",
        "levels": {
          "red": {},
          "amber": {},
          "orange": {},
          "green": {},
          "teal": {}
        "quadrant": 0,
        "quadrantOrder": 1
    "model": "ROM",
    "language": "en", 
    "valueDefs": []

Disabling company name on map

By default the comapny name is displayed on the map with results, however this can be disabled.

Default result view with company name

Company name disabled


  "mapData": {
    "devLines": {},
    "model": "ROM",
    "language": "en", 
    "valueDefs": [],
"mapName": "no" } }

Customization available from the Teal Compass team

Custom map design

If you want your map with your own custom design please contact us, we can build that design for you in the platform.

Custom map content is made by Bernhard Ludwig – IMU
Custom map is built from customer design by Teal Compass team