We help organizations discover and transform themselves…
…using surveys that inspire teams to reflect and have fruitful conversations about their thinking and behaviors.

The experience of filling out the questionnaire and the process of understanding the results can be customized to reach various levels of transparency and engagement.
With proper leadership support the Teal Compass experience initiates organizational transformation by getting people to talk about what is important.
Try Teal Compass assessment!
Please provide the name of your team to start the assessment.
The free questionnaire contains two topics: psychological safety and value creation. It is for assessing what level of consciousness groups are operating at. This tool is not for measuring individuals.
Now you’ll have the opportunity to experience the questionnaire for yourself. If you think the topics and questions would be good to talk about with your team, we encourage you to invite them to fill out the survey and then look at the results together.
When you discuss the topics, look for sparks of awakening will in the team and seize the opportunity to generate agreements about what and how you will change.
The free survey supports up to 10 people. Responses are collected anonymously and the result is going to be available for everyone who fills out the survey. If you need more control on visibility, please consider signing up for one of our paid plans.
To try the assessment create a free survey for your team
The free questionnaire contains two topics: psychological safety and value creation. It is for assessing what level of consciousness groups are operating at. This tool is not for measuring individuals.
Now you’ll have the opportunity to experience the questionnaire for yourself. If you think the topics and questions would be good to talk about with your team, we encourage you to invite them to fill out the survey and then look at the results together.
When you discuss the topics, look for sparks of awakening will in the team and seize the opportunity to generate agreements about what and how you will change.
The free survey supports up to 10 people. Responses are collected anonymously and the result is going to be available for everyone who fills out the survey. If you need more control on visibility, please consider signing up for one of our paid plans.
Please provide the name of your team to start the free survey.
TealCompass can be used internally by companies or with an external consultant

You can use it as a Teal sensitive leader for in-house organizations development

You can use it with an external organization development consultant.
Teams in different situations require different tools and leadership support
Every company has its own unique evolutionary journey and each department, team has their own pace in this evolution. Some of them are going very slow and require lots of leadership support, some of them are renewing themselves with blazing speed and can manage the transformations on their own, with very little involvement from leaders.
Teal Compass supports teams in different situations, from strong, leadership-driven organizational change to self-organized transformation:
Surface and nurture the creative solutions that fuel our success.
In this case the team does not need experts or leaders to tell them what to do. Rather, they need thought-provoking questions to help them find what works best for them in the context of their situation.
Creative discussions occur around finding the best and most efficient solution. Change leaders facilitate the dialogues rather than leading them. They are adding thought-provoking coaching questions when the team gets stuck on a topic.
- We strive for excellence. It is not enough for us to copy those companies who are doing well.
- We have high tolerance for error and can learn from them by taking responsibility for the consequences.
- We want to be engaged and be part of something great. We want to take responsibility and enjoy the freedom that comes with it.
- We know that our joint mind will create something that separately we could never create.
- Our market environment is not predictable.
- Competition is high, we need to innovate.
- Efficiency is very important for us.

Inspire the evolution of the organization towards purpose beyond money.
In this case the team is able to facilitate itself, the team members are able to confront each other, ask inspiration and provocative questions without external help.
During the generative conversations new topics emerge beside the regular ones: deeper meaning of work, serving beyond oneself, contribution, purpose in life, ecosystems. These situations call for distributed leadership where everyone is expected to lead the topic that is inspiring for them.
- Success is not enough, we need to have the sense that we are contributing beyond ourselves.
- We have high tolerance for confrontation. We are able to self-reflect and do not need an external expert to confront us with reality, we are able to do it ourselves.
- It is painful for us to see the problems in the world (social disintegration, environmental destruction) and we want to take a step in the right direction.

Gather information about the state of the organization so you can make better decisions.
In this case the change leaders assess what strengths the team can build upon and which challenges are the most important to address. They do not burden the team with the raw results, it is their responsibility to interpret the data and make decisions to initiate change toward reaching the goals of the organization.
Discussion between leadership and team members are around the implementation of the changes.
- It is important for us to operate with very low level of error and risk.
- It is enough for us to apply well known and tested technologies and practices.
- The environment in which we are working is regulated or very stable.
- The level of competition is very low for us.
- The work we do is mostly repetitive or standardized and requires very little creativity.
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