Companion Program

Companion Program

You might have read about Teal, or the New Way of Work and wondered what is it? How can the ideas behind Teal be applied to real life companies…

We believe that moving toward Teal can be done in small steps and we have designed the Teal Compass experience to help you find those small steps and inspire change.

We are inviting you to join this unique hands on Teal Compass Companion Program where you will learn about how to work with organizations who wants to experiment with the New Way of Work / Teal.

This program is limitied to 30 participants and it is free of charge.

What you will learn and get through this program


The program total value is €5.000. We have decided to run it free of charge for the first time, because we hope that each participant will go through a successful transformation process with their company or client and eventually will be so inspired that will produce a case study with our help. We are going to provide the following to help and support the successful transitions:

Info and Kick off sessions

During the info session you can ask questions before committing to the program.

During the kick-off session you will learn about the details of the program and get connected to fellow companions.

Training sessions

We will have 3 half day training sessions in English where you will have a chance to learn about:

  • Integral Theory
  • Consciousness levels
  • Developmental lines
  • Teal / New Way of work
  • Teal Compass assessment

Personal consultations

You will have two personal consultations:

  • One before the survey to help you choose the developmental lines and write the invitation email, etc..

  • One after the survey to understand the results and help you strategize how you want to work with the people.

Organizational assessment

You can choose up to 3 developmental lines for the assessment and use it with a target group of maximum 100 people:


Regular support calls

Every second week we are going to have support calls, where you can

  • Be heard while expressing your success or difficulties
  • Ask questions and get ideas, answers
  • Brainstorm on solutions with others
  • Get inpired by listening to other companion’s experience

Community of practice

You will connect with people from all over the globe who will share similar problems, and celebrate similar successes for this 2-3 months. Ideas and support can come from any of us. In this community we share knowledge and experience regadless of our background.

Who are we looking for?

The below criteria are the foundation for successful participation. We listed them here so you can check with yourself if this program is for you.

Influence on change

You have a strong influence over organizational development decisions and implementing change.

Commitment to change

You are committed to influence and create change in your or your client’s organization during 2024 Q1.

New Way of Work / Teal

You are familiar with Integral Theory / Teal / New Way of Work, and want to know more…

Size of the Company

The size of the comapny or the group you work with is between 7 and 100 people.

Facilitation Skill

You have facilitator skills. (Or someone else can facilitate events for you.)

Invest Time

You are willing to spend 3-6 days of work during the 2-3 months period.

The timeline of the companion program

until 2023. December 15.
until 2023. December 15.


Please register before december 15. if you’d like to join the Teal Compass Companion program.

2024. jan. 7.
2024. jan. 7.

Info session

You can learn more about the program before you committ to it. (This session is optional)

2024. jan. 15.
2024. jan. 15.


Initial start of the program.

2024. jan. 22.
2024. jan. 22.

Training I.

Integral Theory & the consciousness levels.

(There will be two half day sessions to accommodate all timezones)

2024. jan. 22.
2024. jan. 22.

Training II.

Developmental lines & Teal / New Way of work

(There will be two half day sessions to accommodate all timezones)

2024. jan. 22.
2024. jan. 22.

Training III.

Teal Compass assessment

(There will be two half day sessions to accommodate all timezones)

2024. feb.
2024. feb.

Personal consultation I.

Before we set up the survey for your or your client’s organization we help you choose how to run the assessment and result processing.

2024. feb. - mar.
2024. feb. - mar.


You will send out invitations to the participants and wait for the results to come in.

2024. feb. - mar.
2024. feb. - mar.

Personal consultation II.

After the assessment we help you understand the results and prepare yourself for processing the findings with the company.

2024. feb. - mar.
2024. feb. - mar.

Processing the results

You approach different part of the organizations with results and facilitate conversations. Ideal output is to have a list of executable interventions.

2024. mar. - ???
2024. mar. - ???


You execute the interventions.

2024. mar. 30.
2024. mar. 30.

Closing ceremony

We all get together and showcase our results and celebrate our successes.

2024. Q2
2024. Q2

Case studies

In case you are inspired we help creating case studies, short video presentation, articles from your success story.


Karoly Molnar

Organization Developer, Agile coach, Trainer, Facilitator, Psychodrama Leader, Self-knowledge mentor

Adam Banko

Organization Developer, Agile coach, Trainer, Facilitator